In America, you can buy a gallon of milk, a bag of dog food, and—why not?—a semi-automatic rifle, all in one shopping trip. “2nd Amendment Under Attack” takes a critical yet ironic look at the Wild West that never really ended. The right to bear arms, once meant to protect citizens in a young, lawless nation, now fuels an endless cycle of fear. There’s a difference between keeping a gun at home for protection and strolling into town with an AK-47, yet the lines have blurred. Proud defenders of the Constitution hail the 2nd Amendment, but was it really meant to turn every neighborhood into an armed camp?
The U.S. Constitution is a beacon of enlightenment, a historic document protecting individual rights. And yet, since 1977, the NRA has twisted the 2nd Amendment into a weapon of its own. Through relentless lobbying, they reshaped public opinion and even swayed the Supreme Court. The result? A nation flooded with firearms, mass shootings as daily news, and a self-perpetuating spiral: more guns to “defend” against more guns. America now holds more firearms than citizens—because nothing says safety like a society armed to the teeth.
The irony? The more guns circulate, the more people feel unsafe, leading them to buy even more weapons. It’s a beautiful mess, wrapped in the flag and stamped with “freedom.” But is freedom really about living in constant fear? “2nd Amendment Under Attack” isn’t just a statement; it’s an invitation to rethink the madness. Poeha brings an ode to reason—because common sense should never be outgunned. Be critical, but smile—after all, humor might be the only thing left unarmed.