Make a difference! Be Weird



Poeha is unique and so are you!

Poeha keeps you wide awake and is always critical in a gentle way.
We make shirts filled with content that matters: you! Guaranteed to give you a second glimpse.

Our shirts keep you focused and alert, but always with a smile. After all life sucks without humour and wit.
Poeha communicates through creative design with which you make a good impression in daily life. We do not sell shirts but stories, with which you can distinguish yourself from the masses. After all, you are special!

Be critical but Smile!

Poeha 476 Noteverythingforsale
I Mmune Rood Shirt
Poeha 308 BobRoss Scaled
Poeha 493 Inequality 2 Scaled
Size Does Matter

We know that for you to have a healthy Body Mass Index, you should have a length of 3 mtrs 10. No worries!
Poeha has all the sizes to fit your weight fluctuations.

Best Quality Cloth

Quality is still remembered, when price is long forgotten.
For our original designs we use the best collection shirts and hoodies of TEEJAYS. Like our designs TEEJAYS is all about quality and right fit. Our shirts will outlive you easily in sustainability.

Designs that Shout-out!

Shirts that express a meaning, that have something to say. Like an an original text, a deeper meaning.
After all, you only have one chance to make a good impression.
Let your Poehashirt start the conversation!